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Cedarville-Detour misses out on playoffs despite 8-1 record

Cedarville-Detour misses out on playoffs despite 8-1 record

The 8-1 Cedarville-Detour Islanders just missed getting into the 8-man football playoffs in Division 2 by just 1/2 of a percentage point to Adrian Lenawee Christian...a private school...who ended the regular season at 4-5.

That 8-1 record is the best they have recorded in over a decade and still did not make it into the playoffs, and that is a tough pill to swallow.

Coach Scott Barr talked to his players Monday to discuss the matter and explained to them:

“Life’s not always fair. You guys worked your butts off. You had a really good season. I said, the unknowing is the hardest thing for you guys. Don’t let it eat you up and let’s just focus on the positives. Let’s just be proud of our efforts. You know, they were really mature about it. But, um, they wanted a shot.”

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