If you are traveling on the roads, construction has started on two major projects in northern Michigan.
March 24 the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) broke ground at the intersection of M-72/M-22. The intersection will become a roundabout. There will also be more sidewalk and HAWK signals for pedestrians.
The Mackinac Bridge construction is also scheduled to begin, weather permitting. MDOT is planning to repave the northbound and southbound lanes of the bridge
There will be one lane open in both directions at all times. Michigan Department of Transportation and Mackinac Bridge Authority Spokesperson James Lake says more details about both construction sites.
“Well, we’re always working on various aspects of the bridge, whether repainting, resurfacing, joint replacement, sealing, things like this. This is just another way to help keep the deck, the underlying concrete deck, in good condition for as long as possible,” says Lake, “Traverse City is a very, bicycle and pedestrian friendly community and Elmwood Township. We’re trying to extend that all-users feature, throughout their part of the corridor as well.”
Construction for M-72/M-22 is expected to be done in October. The Mackinac Bridge construction is expected to be done by Memorial Day.
For more information on the M-72/M-22 project, click here.
For more information on the Mackinac Bridge repaving, click here.