Liam is a kind kid who loves to have fun and be around his sisters. His family having recently relocated to Wexford county from Georgia he had little time to make friends before his birthday rolled around but that didn’t stop his parents from throwing him a huge bash at the Wexford center.
But with sickness spreading throughout the area many parents were hesitant to allow their children to attend in fear of spreading the illness. When 2pm rolled around Liam was content running around the gym and playing in the bounce houses but he didn’t have any company to enjoy his big day with him.
That is when Liam’s mom Courtney put out a call on Facebook offering that anyone in the community could come, no presents required. The response that she received was extraordinary!

The community in Northern Michigan showed up for Liam, his party quickly growing with upwards of 30 families attending with their kids to make Liam’s birthday truly one to remember. These actions, especially for this family that is new to the area, solidified their choice to move their family to the mitten state.
This story is a perfect example of how little things can make a huge difference in someone life and we owe it to each other to treat and be treated with kindness.