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Blue Angels jet makes safe landing in Traverse City after bird strike

TRAVERSE CITY — Fat Albert, the aircraft that is responsible for carrying the team’s equipment and maintenance, had to make an unexpected trip to Pensacola, Florida, after a Blue Angels jet had a bird strike during Saturday’s National Cherry Festival Air Show.

National Cherry Festival Air Show director Christian Smith said, “I’m sure you know, the most prolific aerial parties for the National Cherry Festival Air Show are the seagulls. They are abundance down over the water. And unfortunately, we did lose one on Saturday during the air show, but the show went on as scheduled.”

The jet landed safely in Traverse City after the bird strike. And even though it seems major to the crowds, the team prepares for moments like this, as they say bird strikes happen more often than one might think.


Smith said, “Bird strikes are actually fairly common, not only just in the aviation industry, but in transportation in general. I would venture to guess there’s 100 times more bird strikes on the ground in a car than there are in the airplanes in the sky. But generally speaking, they are not too big of a deal or a major occurrence.”

Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Smith and the Blue Angels were ready.

Smith said, “Their maintenance team with the United States Navy Blue Angels are top class and top in class. So they had the aircraft turned very quickly and safely. They did have another part in to replace the aircraft and continue their show on Sunday.”

The Blue Angels did release a statement explaining that there was a minor maintenance issue during the aerial flight demonstration on Saturday during The National Cherry Festival Air Show but the pilot returned and landed safely with no injuries.

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