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Blue Angels prepare to take off at this year’s National Cherry Festival Air Show

TRAVERSE CITY — The Blue Angels officially arrived in Traverse City on Wednesday, and they’ve been practicing for the Air Show this weekend.

“I hope that anybody that watches this team recognizes that we are not a special one-off group,” said Commander Alex Armatas, Blue Angels flight leader. “This team, every single member of this team, came from the Navy, the Marine Corps fleet. Every single member of this team will go back to the Navy Marine Corps fleet...and they are absolutely representatives of the rest of the Navy, the Marine Corps.”

The Blue Angels were created in 1946 to raise the public’s morale towards the Navy and Naval Aviation. Now on their 78th season, they continue to wow crowds with their maneuvers in 32 different shows around the country.


“We have the honor of not only visiting the show sites themselves, but we get to meet the people. So it is just another opportunity to meet folks from around the country, interact with the general public, and meet folks that come out to watch the Blue Angels,” said Armatas.

When they visit new cities, they spend most of their time in preparation for their shows. They have to learn what different challenges the skies might task them with during their flight, and Traverse City is no different.

“The fact that you’re flying into the ball piece is challenging for sure. Having terrain and certainly all the radio towers and cell towers around the center point can be challenging. So we have to look out for and make sure that we’re flying good, safe profiles and making adjustments where we need to, to avoid those,” said Armatas.

Some show-goers may have their favorite maneuvers, but Commander Aramatas told us can’t choose.


“I don’t have a favorite,” said Armata. “It’s kind of like asking who your favorite kid is. It’s really, really hard to pick one. They’re all of us. They’re all special, they’re all unique, and they all require different kinds of focus. But they’re all awesome.”

Commander Armatas did say to watch out for the Double Farvel, Diamond Loop and Delta Routine at the end of the Air Show.

The shows are Saturday and Sunday, June 29 and 30, at West Grand Traverse Bay from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. You can watch them live on our two Traverse City weather cams.

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