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Frankfort raises awareness for Lighthouse Restoration Project

FRANKFORT — The City of Frankfort’s Lighthouse is a staple to their Maritime History. Now the Lighthouse Restoration Project is raising awareness to help raise the funds they need to fulfill this project.

The lighthouse was first built in 1912, making it over 112 years old. During 1932, the second portion of the lighthouse was built where it is now. They then moved the first portion to the top making it what it is today. With that age comes a lot of damage for the much-needed restoration.

Superintendent of Frankfort, Josh Mills says, “It’s a critical structure in our community. It still serves as a as a aid to navigation. That’s its primary number one purpose is to ensure vessels can get in and out of here safely so they’re not hitting that big concrete breakwater. But also, you know, it’s just a testament of of, you know, the community and where we’ve been and where we’re going.”


Around 2013 the Federal Government reached out to the City of Frankfort asking if they wanted ownership and the long-term maintenance of the lighthouse. Now the city is tasked with the up-keep and the lighthouse is to be preserved to the State Historic Preservation Standards.

Mills further explained, “It’s out several hundred feet off the shore. So that adds a lot of the cost associated with the maintenance. But, you know, we’re ready to take on the task and we’re excited about this partnership with the Lighthouse Preservation group that’s been established.”

With the goal to raise $1.1 million to start the restoration project the city is only 1% of the way there. Project Coordinator Erin Greibe is hoping to get donations and potential business partnerships to help reach their goal faster.

She says, “We’re really just kind of getting community initiatives launched. The fundraiser, the digital fundraiser that’s been posted online has been up since 22. But we really there just really hasn’t been a lot of community involvement, requires some volunteers and some resources in order to raise that kind of money to fully restore the lighthouse.”


One business that is getting involved with the lighthouse restoration project is Korner Gems owner Kevin Gauthier. He says once he saw the damage to the lighthouse he thought he could do something.

Gauthier said, “I didn’t have a ton of money to donate, but I have the talent to take the product. And this picture was what inspired me as I took that with my camera and I sent it to the superintendent of the city….He believed in the idea and we started making on June 6th is when we went out and had a field trip to the lighthouse.”

Gauthiers talent of jewelry making has turned into a partnership to raise funds for the lighthouse. The jewelry contains glass pieces from the windows of the lighthouse some of which contain over 100 years of unique erosion designs. For each item that is purchased at least thirty percent will be donated back to the lighthouse fund.

For more information on how to donate or get involved with the Lighthouse Restoration Project check out the information below.

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