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Cadillac Area Public Schools says good weather put construction ahead of schedule

CADILLAC — Cadillac Area Public School’s new high school is in its final phase of construction thanks to a mild winter.

“We have been very fortunate to have cooperating weather throughout our project. We are a little bit ahead of schedule, so we have a little bit of a buffer heading into spring and summer construction months,” said CAPS Superintendent Jennifer Brown. “Our end date is the middle of August.”

CAPS said the new building will be more than just an upgraded facility. It will also have upgraded resources for students.


“[There’s] a new fitness space, a weight room, a new wellness center which provides physical, mental and dental health to our students for free,” said Brown. That wellness center is in partnership with the Health Department.

“We’re also renovating a new corridor. Some of our science classrooms are being updated in that space, as well as an auxiliary gym,” she said.

CAPS said they’re still thankful for the community passing a millage to allow the construction of a new high school.

“I think everybody feels really appreciative that the kids are enjoying the new space. Lots of light. We had a beautiful February, the sunniest February I believe that I can remember. So being able to be in these new spaces, enjoy those spaces, learn and grow and have room is just been really encouraging and well-received by our kids and our staff,” said Brown.

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