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Local Schools Show Support to Escanaba Family After Tragic Death of Parents

Upper Peninsula, Tip of the Mitt Schools Show Support to Escanaba Family After Tragic Death of Parents - 11pm Evening News

There was a big show of support Wednesday night for an Escanaba family that lost their parents in a tragic car crash last week.

Gerald and Tara Weaver were traveling on US-2 in Delta County last Friday afternoon and were hit head on by a semi-truck.

They were on their way to Sault Ste. Marie to watch their son play in a basketball game that night. They never made it.


Immediately, help for the Weaver family and the Escanaba community exploded. Schools across the Upper Peninsula and the tip of the Mitt started holding different functions to show that, even though Escanaba is several hours away, distance can’t hold back the support.

“When a tragedy like this happens, the whole U.P. would come together like we did to help a family in need. It really makes you savor the moments that you get to watch your son. It really makes you appreciate what you have,” Billy Mitchell, a Rudyard Teacher and Coach, said.

Gerald and Tara will be laid to rest Friday in Escanaba.

They leave behind three children.

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