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Mecosta County Visitors Bureau Celebrates National Travel and Tourism Week

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May 1-7 is National Travel and Tourism Week, and several communities across Michigan are participating in a fun scavenger hunt to promote traveling to other parts of the state.

In ‘The Great Michigan Scavenger Hunt’, visitors bureaus are hiding gift cards from other Michigan restaurants, businesses, and organizations across the state.

For the , each day this week, they’ll post a clue on Facebook of where the day’s hidden gift cards are.

The first one to find the gift cards, worth $100, gets to keep them.

The visitors bureau says it’s a great way to get people out in the community and traveling to other spots in Michigan.

“When somebody find a gift card for Big Rapids, say like, in Mackinac, that’s going to encourage them to travel here use their gift card, hopefully stay that the hotels, utilize the restaurants,” said Mecosta County Visitors Bureau Executive Director Connie Koepke.

The Mecosta County Visitors Bureau will be posting clues until May 6.

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