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Central Michigan University Closing North Campus Residence Halls for Fall 2022

Central Michigan University announced Thursday that four residence halls located in their north campus community will be closed for Fall 2022 as part of their efforts to enhance student experience and improve efficiency.

According to a release by Central Michigan’s Office of Residence Life, the Fall 2022 closure of Larzelere, Robinson, Calkins and Trout Halls will “improve service in our dining units and help student residents plug into exciting, engaging campus life experiences.”

They state based on enrollment estimates for Fall 2022, the university will have more available housing than residential students.

Moreover, CMU’s Office of Residence Life says they can meet student needs by expanding housing options in their south campus and re-opening Troutman, Wheeler and Kulhavi Halls in the Towers community.

These changes will enable the university to provide higher service and support to students by streamlining options.

Students who selected a single room in Robinson Hall will be moved to the top four floors of Wheeler Hall, according to the release. Students will have the same full-sized bed, sofa and coffee table that was advertised for Robinson Hall, and they will have a common space, bedroom and bathroom in their unit.

The Honors Program Residential Community in Larzelere Hall will move to Thorpe hall in CMU’s south campus. The Office of Residence Life states Thorpe Hall offers the same room style as Larzelere, and using their current roommate groups, they will reassign all students who selected Larzelere Hall for Fall 2022.

The Business Residential College (BRC) in Trout Hall will be moved to Beddow Hall, which offers the same room size as Trout Hall. Using their current roommate groups, the Office of Residence Life will reassign all students who selected Trout Hall for Fall 2022.

Leader Advancement Scholars (LAS) in Calkins Hall will be moved to Merrill Hall, which offers the same room size as Calkins Hall. Using their current roommate groups, the Office of Residence Life will reassign all students who selected Calkins Hall for Fall 2022.

All other students who selected a room in CMU’s north campus for Fall 2022 will be reassigned to other residential communities. North campus residents will receive a confirmation email with their new room assignment by April 18 at 5 p.m.

According to CMU’s Office of Residence Life, all standard two-bedroom suites will have four students. Two students will be in the B-rooms and two students will be in the A-rooms. They say de-densification (or housing fewer students in each standard room) was a best practice used during the peak of the pandemic when the CDC recommended social distancing and reduced density.

As the pandemic enters a new phase, the university will resume normal operations, which includes fuller residence halls and four students per suite.

CMU’s Office of Residence Life further notes that closing the north campus community and reallocating dining staff to other communities will improve the level of service offered in those dining units.

Additionally, the change will expand hours for meals as follows:

  • Continuous service at the Eatery, Dine & Connect, and Social House (no more closures between 3 and 4:30 p.m.).
  • The Eatery and Dine & Connect will be open on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Social House will be open for lunch and dinner, Monday – Friday.
  • Late Night at Social House will continue, Monday – Thursday.

If students would like to change their housing assignment for Fall 2022 due to this change, requests can be submitted CMU’s Office of Residence Life states they will contact students by phone if requests can be accommodated.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, you can contact the Office of Residence Life by , or call 989-774-3111.

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