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‘Baketivity’ Helps Sparks Creativity in Children with Food and Fun

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If you’re running out of ideas to keep the kids entertained and educated at the same time, a subscription-based company is responding to your “call for help” with some food, fun, and creativity.

“ ships fun-filled baking kits, loaded with easy-to-follow recipe instructions, educational activity booklets, and ready-to-go ingredients right to your door, providing the entire family with hassle-free entertainment and tasty treats,” says lifestyle and mommy influencer, Veena Crownholm. “It’s perfect for family time, mini bakers, and cookie lovers!”.

According to Baketivity, each recipe makes 8 – 10 delicious treats for the whole family to enjoy. Each kit comes with colorful instructions perfect for younger children. The dry ingredients come pre-measured in vacuum-sealed packages. “Mommies and daddies” just need to pick up things like eggs, milk, or other refrigerated products needed for the recipes.

There are different available, and with options. There are also “themed” kits ranging from a to .

This Fall, Baketivity is hosting a where kids can use their creativity by inventing their own holiday-themed dessert. To apply to the competition, Baketivity is asking the participants to film themselves baking the dessert, and upload their “parent-approved” video to the website.

The deadline to apply is October 15th. for more about the competition, and how one lucky winner can receive a $1,000 cash prize.

For more information about Baketivity, .

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