Connecting communities…
Booming business in parts of Traverse City, that group of local shops, has this bridge to thank.
It connects downtown to the Warehouse District at West Front and Pine streets.
The pedestrian bridge makes the walk easier, and the area more inviting to a growing number of customers.
"We’ve never been to this area before so if it weren’t for that beautiful new bridge we probably wouldn’t have stopped our kayaks and come up here to explore," said visitors.
It was as simple as adding a bridge to bring more people to Traverse City’s Warehouse District.
"Business is way up as a result. And it’s allowed foot traffic especially pedestrians to do a loop where they can walk down Front Street then cross the river and go to the beach and head towards clinch park," said Capt. Michael Sutherland.
Before the bridge, the challenge of walking from Front Street kept many from exploring businesses like the Workshop.
"The Warehouse District is kind of an undiscovered gem in Traverse City we are 150 feet from Front Street but a lot of people historically had a hard time figuring out how to get to us," said Pete Kirkwood.
Businesses say they’re getting a boost because of it.
The River Outfitters says the Warehouse District’s history is another part of the draw.
"As a business owner it’s great. Not just the economic impact but this is an area to take pride in. The Warehouse District. People work here and they’ve worked here for 100 years," said Capt. Michael Sutherland.
All while introducing an ever expanding number of customers to the district’s unique feel.
"Our culture has always been this way we are the kind of gritty step brother of Front Street," said Pete Kirkwood.
Garland Street is also in the process of getting a new finish, something else business owners say adds to the Warehouse District’s character.
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